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Implant Retained Dentures in Salem, OR

Dentures can be uncomfortable, and it is life altering. We are excited at King Dental to be able to offer Implant retained dentures, they will make a huge difference in your comfort.

Zest Locator Overdenture

The Zest Locator Overdenture is a unique system that we love and you will too. It features a unique pivoting attachment system that will allow your denture to move naturally while chewing and this will increase its retention. The pivot also allows for a much greater area for the path of insertion while you, the patient, are attaching it. Using a self aligning system, patients are able to place their denture much easier without causing damage to the attachment posts. This system also offers dual retention, meaning that you have twice the retention. As the patient chews, the retention cap is able to move along with the natural motion of eating. By providing max resiliency, our patients will not have any worry of dislodging the denture or experiencing discomfort. Standard systems do not have this technology, this is a patented feature only offered by Zest. The other systems use a non-pivoting head, which makes them more likely to detach, because they do not allow for the natural motions of our mouth and can easily dislodge, causing the patient embarrassment and discomfort.

Why do I want to use the Zest Locator for my denture? Zest offers:

  •  a pivoting head that allows the denture to move with the natural movement of chewing
  •  a head that uses a self aligning system, making the process of placing your denture much easier
  •  a strong, secure denture, that will not dislodge during regular use
  •  a level of comfort that we all want

Using implant retained dentures gives the patient a natural looking smile, while providing much more comfort, and a fully functioning mouth. Dr. King will need to determine if you are a candidate for this procedure, it is necessary to have good bone support in your jaw. This can be achieved through transplant if needed. Dr. King will place the dental implants directly into your jawbone, providing you a strong, solid base to serve as posts to attach your dentures to. With your denture firmly in place, you can not only forget it’s there, you can eat a cob of corn without worry or the fear of embarrassment. This is a much better solution to adhesive placed dentures. Ask about dental implant retained dentures today.

For more information on Implant retained dentures and how we can help you,
contact our Salem, OR office at: 503-588-0061

Dr. King and his team consider treating our patients a special privilege. We value integrity. It is humbling to have the trust our patients place in us and we will always be true to that trust. Many years of combined experience helps us provide you with a comfortable all-around experience, including treatment, scheduling appointments and maximizing your dental benefits.
We strive for technical excellence.